National Honor Society (NHS)
The LRHS chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) consists of members who strive for excellence in scholarship, leadership, service and character. Members maintain 3.5 unweighted cumulative GPA and must earn 20 service hours during each year that they are a member. These hours might be earned through the school service projects, such as after-school tutoring to LRHS students, tutoring to Pinewood Elementary students, assisting in the Eagle Lake Habitat for Humanity projects, etc.
How to Join
After completion of the first term of their sophomore year, eligible students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher will be given the opportunity to complete an application for membership. There is a faculty review process, followed by a final review process by the LRHS NHS Faculty Council.
Club Sponsor
Robert Holby
Club Officers
Vice President:
Important Information:
- ALL meetings are MANDATORY. If you have a conflict with a meeting date, please see Mr. Holby in advance to receive information for that meeting. You are ONLY allowed to miss two meetings!
- Make sure you sign in at every meeting. This is how we make sure everyone is attending.
- National Honors Society T-Shirts are in pay your dues/t-shirt fee in room 4147 and receive your shirt. Dues/T-shirts $30.00