The mission of the Marine Corps Junior ROTC program is Leadership Education. Participating in the JROTC program incurs no obligation or expectation of future military service. The program is designed to complement and augment the educational goals of Lake Region H.S. The objectives of the program are met through specific instruction for the development of self-discipline, honor, integrity, citizenship, basic military skills, marksmanship, and Marine Corps History and Traditions. Being a JROTC Candidate at Lake Region provides immediate opportunities for close camaraderie with others who value professionalism and excellence and seek the opportunity to serve community and country. Lake Region's JROTC program has been awarded National Honor School status in every year of existence and is considered one of the top high school programs in the State of Florida.
How to Join
Select ROTC as an elective when registering for classes for the upcoming school year.
Academically, students will have ROTC as a normal class period incorporated into their everyday schedule. During one of their days, they will conduct physical training (PT) based on their ability to ensure that they are enhancing their mental and physical core.
Club Sponsor
Senior Marine Instructor Captain Quezada
Marine Instructor Sergeant Major Braddy
Club Officers
Company Commander: Cadet 1st Lieutenant Santiago, David
Company Executive Officer: Cadet 1st Lieutenant Ballou, Paul
Cadet 1st Sergeant Morell, Madisyn
Adjutant- Cadet Staff Sergeant Allen
Public Relations- Cadet Sergeant Guzman