Key Club is a student-led, student-run community service organization, trying to save the world one child at a time. The club is sponsored by the Winter Haven Kiwanis Club. We do a variety of community service, from Peanut butter & Jelly-athons where we make sandwiches to give to homeless people, to making cards for soldiers overseas, to helping out with Forever Friends where we work with Mr. Brownyard's classes on special projects. We have a great time and would love to see you here. Mr. Holby's room (31-222) Thursdays after school, see you there! Participation in Key Club service activities help to develop initiative, leadership, and good citizenship.
Key Club and the Aktion Club are involved in a joint venture to connect students of different backgrounds. We attend Key Club Convention each year in April with over 2,000 other members from around the state.
How to Join
Key Club is open to all students. Complete an application form and pay annual dues of $20.00.
Meetings are held every Thursday after school Mr. Holby's room 31-222.
Club Sponsor
Robert Holby
Club Officers