
The band program at Lake Region High School offers students who have learned and those who wish to learn a wind or percussion instrument the opportunity to learn more about music through the study and performance of wind band literature. Each class also covers a wide range of knowledge and skill based units designed to cover music history, music theory, performance fundamentals, and large and small ensemble skills which culminate in a complete musical experience.

How to Join

Talk to your guidance counselor and the band director to have Band, Beginning Band, or Jazz Band placed on your schedule.


Rehearsals are posted in the Charms Booster Meetings calendar.


If you are a member of the band, click here to visit Charms in order to view your fair share status, uniform information, practice logs, upcoming schedule, etc.


Director - Matthew Balderson
Percussion Technician - Rahkeem Thomas
Silver Streaks Coach - Matt Benton
Band Manager - Leza Breckinridge
Brass Technician -
Woodwind Technician -